Economic governance: Pressing need for legitimacy and


Participation and Legitimacy: Actor Involvement for Nature

1. (= lawfulness) [ of government, action, birth] → legitimidad f 2. (= justifiableness) [ of concern] → justificación; [ of argument] → validez f there can be no doubt as to the legitimacy of such claims → no cabe duda de que estas reclamaciones están justificadas the state or quality of being legitimate. the fact of being allowed by law or done according to the rules of an organization or activity: the legitimacy of sth Several judges expressed doubts as to the legitimacy of the tribunal. Legitimacy, popular acceptance of a government, political regime, or system of governance. The word legitimacy can be interpreted in either a normative way or a “positive” (see positivism) way.


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Se hela listan på PDF | On Jan 1, 2013, Prof. Adriana Schiopoiu Burlea Ph.D. and others published Legitimacy Theory | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Legitimacy also continues to be relevant to hereditary titles, with only legitimate children being admitted to the line of succession. Some monarchs, however, have succeeded to the throne despite the controversial status of their legitimacy. In our conception, legitimacy theory has the role of explaining the behavior of organizations in implementing and developing voluntary social and environmental disclosure of information in order to fulfill their social contract that enables the recognition of their objectives and the survival in a jumpy and turbulent environment. Find 10 ways to say LEGITIMACY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Legitimacy The State and Beyond Edited by Wojciech Sadurski, Michael Sevel, and Kevin Walton.

(credibility, authenticity) verosimilitud nf nombre femenino : Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. legitimacy n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.

Democracy and legitimacy in the EU: National or European

(Lowy Institute's Interpreter). Two hands colored with flags of China and United States  Nov 19, 2019 What makes a government legitimate? Arthur Isak Applbaum rigorously argues that the greatest threat to democracies today is not loss of basic  Democratic legitimacy has very frequently been defined as citizen orientations toward the main principles of the political regime or the entire political system (i.e.


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The quality or fact of being legitimate. Legitimacy definition, the state or quality of being legitimate. See more. Types. Legitimacy is "a value whereby something or someone is recognized and accepted as right and proper".

See more. legitimacy definition: 1. the quality of being legal : 2. the quality of being reasonable and acceptable: 3. the quality…. Learn more.
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Legitimacy definition: the quality or state of being legitimate | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples legitimacy n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.

Pg. 293” ― Malcolm Gladwell, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants Legitimacy by performance: if the outputs of a process lead to results that satisfy people, then that process can gain legitimacy (eg. successful dictatorships are sometimes described in this way). Legitimacy by participation: if people participate in choosing an outcome, they are more likely to consider it … 2008-01-11 Legitimacy isn’t a technical issue, but a social one. Wikipedia defines legitimacy as the right and acceptance of an authority, usually a governing law or a regime.
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National Centre for Priority Setting in  av J Pierre · 1993 · Citerat av 81 — They were aimed at enhancing the overall legitimacy of the public administration and also at displacing conflicts triggered by fiscal problems to the local political  Such organizations increasingly seek to obtain legitimacy in the eyes of groups beyond their member state elites. This book advances scholarly debate on the  example sentences containing "legitimacy" – Swedish-English dictionary and greater transparency and legitimacy in regard to the IASCF's standard-setting  av K Backström · 2020 — Introduction: The purpose of this thesis is to give an insight into which variables affect legitimacy in conflict-torn states, with a special focus on the relationship  The project seeks to examine the processes of urban planning in Sweden and Russia, with a focus on the input, control and output legitimacy of that process.

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Third, legitimacy influences IOs’ ability to secure compliance with international rules and norms. In general, legitimacy is a much cheaper means to secure compliance than coercion (Lindblom 1977). Moreover, since few IOs command the coercive power to compel state and non-state actors to comply, legitimacy is particularly important in global In To The Edge: Legality, Legitimacy, and the Responses to the 2008 Financial Crisis, Philip Wallach chronicles and examines the legal and political controversies surrounding the government's responses to the recent financial crisis. The economic devastation left behind is well-known, Legitimacy. 17 likes. Product/Service. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page.

HARDCOVER. $41.00 • £32.95 • €37.00 ISBN 9780674983465. Publication Date: 11/19/2019. x Text. 304 pages.