Hitta på universitetet med MazMap! Med appen MazeMap kan


Hitta på campus: Smarta lösningar med app - PDF Gratis

MazeMap’s indoor navigation app can guide you through large, complex buildings, and even show you where to stop off for a coffee on the way! We use a range of technologies, such as WiFi, GPS, beacons and magnetic fields to pinpoint your position on our maps, and navigate you seamlessly from A to B. With MazeMap you can access over 20 000 rooms at our covered locations. You can either use search to locate specific destinations or e.g. find the closest computer room. By using a combination of 2013-05-29 MazeMap can help you map one or many buildings, on both a global and a local scale Start with a basic package and scale up You can easily start with a basic package and scale up in the future, or add on your own tailored integrations as you go MazeMap App for indoor navigation ©2021 Google Site Terms of Service Privacy Developers About Google | Location: United States Language: English (United States) About Mazemap MazeMap is a global provider of digital wayfinding solutions for venues such as offices. Valuable solution partners such as Office App are able to use MazeMap’s flexible APIs that pave the way for innovation by accommodating a number of high-tech integrations which allow for data visualization. A lot of our customers use MazeMap through a third party app interface that has been created by an app developer.

Mazemap app

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2021-03-22 · Every POI has a unique MazeMap id, but can also be configured to have local reference tags. These can be set-up by for each specific campus. Example of such a reference tag could be "G301-211" which might be a unique room identifier string already in use by other systems at the campus. Find any room with MazeMap. Make indoor routes and share map views to help people find their ways around campus! MazeMap’s indoor navigation app can guide you through large, complex buildings, and even show you where to stop off for a coffee on the way! We use a range of technologies, such as WiFi, GPS, beacons and magnetic fields to pinpoint your position on our maps, and navigate you seamlessly from A to B. How it works with Office App. With the Mazemap integration, Office App helps users to find the quickest way from point A to B in their office.


Hitta på universitetet med MazMap! Med appen MazeMap kan

Digital map in your web browser. Download app for digital map, iPhone. Download app for digital map, Android.

Mazemap app

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Mazemap app

Why trust us? Waze is a mobil There are more than 500,000 life-improving, money-saving, schedule-organizing smartphone applications (and counting), and sorting through them to find the best of the best can feel impossible.

Indoor Maps and Wayfinding - MazeMap. "We love MazeMap for two reasons. First, because it's the most user friendly indoor map and navigation tool that we could find. And second, because of its openness and great APIs - this allows us to quickly develop our own overlays, visualizations and integrations with the … Re-sellers, integrators, app developers: what can we create together? Learn more about the partnership program at MazeMap. With MazeMap you can access over 20 000 rooms at our covered locations.
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MazeMap finns på flera andra universitet och utvärderingar visar att den kan minska stress och osäkerhet för studenter på väg till föreläsningar och möten. Norwegian University of Science and Technology About cookies Privacy policy Editoral responsibility. Sign In MazeMap’s indoor navigation app can guide you through large, complex buildings, and even show you where to stop off for a coffee on the way! We use a range of technologies, such as WiFi, GPS, beacons and magnetic fields to pinpoint your position on our maps, and navigate you seamlessly from A to B. There are three versions of the map (Mazemap): a web-based version and two versions for those who want to use the map as an app in your mobile phone.

"We love MazeMap for two reasons. First, because it's the most user friendly indoor map and navigation tool that we could find. And second, because of its openness and great APIs - this allows us to quickly develop our own overlays, visualizations and integrations with the … Re-sellers, integrators, app developers: what can we create together? Learn more about the partnership program at MazeMap.
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Valuable solution partners such as Office App are able to use MazeMap’s flexible APIs that pave the way for innovation by accommodating a number of high-tech integrations which allow for data visualization. Announcing MazeMap JS API — a framework that really opens up huge possibilities for existing MazeMap customers, new developers, app makers and software businesses. Illustration of an example map using the mazemap javascript api. MazeMap Data API v1.0 This document describes version 1.0 of the "Publicly available MazeMap Data API". #####Disclaimer MazeMap AS reserve the right to make changes to the API and it's documentation any time in the future.

Hitta på campus: Smarta lösningar med app - PDF Gratis

We help users locate stores, auditoriums,  Plattform: Mecenat; iOS och Android. Studentkortet; iOS och Android. Pris: Gratis. Mazemap. Det här är en app som gör att du kan navigera i stora  Campusservice, Akademiska hus och företaget MazeMap som är leverantör av den app med inomhuskartor som universitetet använder. MazeMap länk: https://link.mazemap.com/57CYxZZc. aktiviteter paviljong Mötesplats informationsplats hållbarhet campus Umeå Universitet Sharing city Umeå  I ett nötskal kan du visualisera denna app som ett inkognitoläge för WhatsApp.

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